My Staff was formed in January 2016, when I had beside me my father, who was starting to peep at my notes relating to the creation of my videos. He slowly began to help me, to improve the content, sound effects and music that I would go on to use. My mother’s help become essential and effective day by day, translating messages or communications into English that I was receiving. Marta became involved almost indirectly, always there when my father in his office received my emails with video content highlighting a growing interest in participating in the reflections on my content and actively participating in general. Thus was added this third component, enthusiastically requested to actively participate in my videos and giving me important tips. So I decided, or rather we decided, unanimously, to train the staff that to date have supported me 360° and I assure you that being together is a beginning, staying together is a sign of progress…, working together is a symbol of success, with the ability to manage conflicts of ideas. I am constantly on the go, the adrenaline and pride of being part of a team, able to face any challenge with enthusiasm and determination, thinking of a goal to be reached faster than ever in the belief that “the intelligence of the group is not related to the average or maximum intelligence of its members but to the sensitivity of each of them”.
MANAGEMENT TEL (+39) 338 2860816A brief history of the creation of my Staff
Sebastiano Martorano
COLLABORATOR COPYWRITING Email: marta_leo@icloud.comConcetta Iacono
Marta Leocata
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