Make-up:11 Mistakes to avoid when you tricks!|Blog of Grazia Martorano youtuber


Hello, I am Grazia Martorano youtuber, today I suggest how to avoid in Make-up:11 mistakes to avoid when you tricks!

1 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! do not moisturize your face:

Moisturize the skin is the first thing to do before putting on make-up: if when you tricks your skin is not hydrated in the right way, the make-up will remain off and will have a seal less.

2 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! foundation:

When we speak of the mask of foundation, we are referring to the fact overdoing it with the use of the product: if the color is too dark, there will age of a few years, while, if too light, it will make us look like a ghost. So, first of all learn well how to apply foundation and choose the one suited to your skin, consistency and as a nuance. Choose also the right shade by testing the foundation before purchasing it, apply it in the inner part of the wrist or on the neck and look under natural light.

3 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! apply the powder:

It is often believed that the powder is a product that is superfluous. In reality however, it is crucial because it sets the makeup making it last longer. Once applied to the base face, so it is important to use a suitable brush and apply the powder over the whole area, also in the eye area where you applied the concealer.

4 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! concealer:

The errors make-up with the concealer are among the most popular. First, it is important to know how to choose the concealer just right for us so many gifts to our gaze the brightness. Often if you use too much, because we think we hide the best dark under-eye circles and imperfection: nothing more wrong. Apply always a small amount and by exerting a pressure on the face. Also, avoid the colors ivory, or too light, otherwise you will notice the difference with the rest of the make-up, and your eyes will not be valued to the fullest.

5 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! eyebrows that are too thin:

Not doing ordinary pruning too much the eyebrows because, when they are very thin, do not frame your face and not from the prominence to the eye. Remember to use the tweezers sparingly, removing only the hairs too much but without distorting the shape. If there are gaps, with a pencil suitable and secure and fix it with a mascara transparent. If you really do not know how to manage your eyebrows you should consult a beautician.

6 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! the lips are too dark:

The function of the pencil is to outline the contour of the lips, but pay attention to the choice of color, do not buy pencils that are too dark. The one that is right for us must have the same color of our labial mucosa. Then try to pair it always to the lipstick using one of the same color.

7 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! do not use too much blush:

The blush is used to give the face a luminous look and natural”, so the more healthy and bright. If, however, we use it in the wrong way you are likely to overload the make-up, the most common mistake is to overdo it with the creation of two pink spots on her cheeks. Always choose the blusher that does not differ too much from your complexion and that of the bottom, and shades of the cheekbones Even if you have oily skin, avoid those with a cream or with glitter, otherwise the skin will be more lucid

8 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! too many colors on the eyes:

All of us possess a set of eye shadow with many colors, it is to exaggerate in employ and use three or four, mixing them in between them. Very often these are different colors with the combinations unlikely to occur, the end result is a disaster. On the eyelids do not use more than one color, if we don’t want to eyes the of color harlequin.

9 of 11 mistakes to avoid when you tricks! blend well the eyeshadow:

Mistakes not to make with the eyeshadow, one of the most common is to load too much of the eye, and this weighs down the look, especially when it comes to colors as electric blue or other bright colors. The first thing to do is always use a clear basis on which to then blend the darker eye, which must be matched to the rest of the make-up, but also to our eyes: a blue eyeshadow is not suitable if we have eyes, and brown hair.

10 of the 11 mistakes to avoid when you tricks! insert the brush of the mascara:

It is a habit common to almost all of the women that enter obsessively the brush within the mascara and then pull it out in order to get more of the product. In reality, this movement it is not good because it makes getting the air inside the packaging of the mascara causing it to dry out more quickly. To benefit more from the mascara it is sufficient to rotate the brush inside of the product without checking it out, and repeat the operation twice, first for one eye and then the other. This will be sufficient to withdraw the right amount of product.

11 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! the mascara before the eyeshadow:

There are many women thath spreads the mascara as one of the first steps in the make-up. It is, instead, one of the last step of the trick in fact, by applying the mascara before the eyeshadows, you run the risk of dropping the powder of the eye shadow on the lashes, transforming a black mascara in one colored, and so spoil final result of the make-up!

I hope that this news helps us to put on makeup better.

I recommend you to visit my YouTube channel !!!


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