What to do to find the right shade?|Blog of Grazia Martorano Youtuber


Hello, today I suggest you what to do to choose the right shades of color for the Base of your make-up, it is important for the perfect complexion, the right choice of the background color. To apply the trick to a beautiful complexion that is similar, should be the shade of the foundation that must […]

Beau Jessup to 16 years of age earns more than 50 thousand pounds a year!|Blog of Grazia Martorano youtuber, find out how to

1. Beau Jessup - 15.08.2016.jpg

Hello, I am Grazia Martorano youtuber I have noticed that there are a lot of parents from the east who began to give an English name to their children. You want to find out who was the first person in the world to offer this service? it’s called Beau Jessup to 16 years of age […]

Spectacular marriage proposal in the sky of New York!|Blog of Grazia Martorano youtuber, find out how to.


Hello everyone, today I want to write a nice thing, to my way of thinking is, for every Woman, the top of what life holds. In fact the dream of each woman is to receive the much sought-after spectacular proposal of marriage, wanting to be in front of something grand to swear eternal love to […]

Make-up:11 Mistakes to avoid when you tricks!|Blog of Grazia Martorano youtuber


Hello, I am Grazia Martorano youtuber, today I suggest how to avoid in Make-up:11 mistakes to avoid when you tricks! 1 of 11 errors to avoid when you tricks! do not moisturize your face: Moisturize the skin is the first thing to do before putting on make-up: if when you tricks your skin is not […]

Tally Weijl Haul Autumn/Winter!|The fashion proposed in the Blog of Grazia Martorano youtuber


Hello to all from Grazia Martorano youtuber and well found in my Blog , today I want to foist the ideas of some outfits cute, maybe that is going out of fashion in this period! A beautiful bib and brace Overalls colored Jeans that you can use in any occasion, morning, afternoon, or evening. Any bustier, […]

The make-up of Ariana Grande|Blog of Grazia Martorano youtuber, recommended for You by the


Hello to all boys and girls from Grazia Martorano youtuber and well found in my Blog, you want to use a make-up to fashion it is used by many girls? Follow the make-up proposed from the beautiful Ariana Grande: You tend to use a basic covering that respects your complexion, and spread to the whole […]

Confirmed the love story?!-MTV VMA 2016 Ariana Grande e Mac Miller|Blog of Grazia Martorano youtuber


Hello, I am Grazia Martorano youtuber, you want a bit of gossip about the singer Ariana Grande?? Here is a great news! It is said that the singer Ariana Grande has confirmed the history of love with Mac Miller!Can it be true?or is it all a hoax?! The most anticipated performer of some MTV VMA […]

“ Reclog ”|Blog of Grazia Martorano youtuber, the app that allows you to combine images and sounds at the same time

live photo reclog

Hello all, I am Grazia Martorano youtuber, today I discovered a beautiful app……..,, the app is called “RECLOG” that lets you associate audio with the photos,”Take”. So what are you waiting!!!, from now on, no more pictures and images mute, but rather with short musical pieces, with Your personalized dedication  or a smack Kiss to […]

The new Pokémon game Go|Blog of Grazia Martorano youtuber


Hello boys and girls the new Pokémon game Go is definitely a nice game,but there are consequences not as beautiful as the ones I’m going to write …In Italy accidents have been recorded due to the Pokémon Go: a 14-year-old Giulianova (Teramo, italy) was struck by a car while cycling, was trying to capture a […]


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